Building Up The Future Generation: What IS The Problem?

Here’s the problem with a lot of young adult ministries I’m noticing; they are teaching a weak theology. Great way to start off a blog right; just jumping right into the topic of the article? Well I’m sorry if you find that to be too harsh, but let’s face it, there’s nothing really to build up. You’ve seen the many articles posted on this subject, you’ve heard the many podcasts recorded on this subject, and I’m sure there’s YouTube videos that has touched on this. Take your pick, they are out there and you’ve seen them before, and like I said I’m sorry if I was harsh, but maybe there should be a harsh response to this problem.

As of right now, I’m a young adult who is basically struggling to find his existence within the current young adult ministry I’ve been a part with since the end of high school. And sure it was a little difficult then, it’s become even more difficult now! Some of you are thinking already, “Well why don’t you just leave and find another group?” Understand this one thing, this has nothing to do with groups, but rather this is a problem that needs to be resolved. Sure, I can leave this group and trust me I am not short on when it comes down to fellowship. I have a community group I go to which is made up of the best guys on the planet, I have what my church calls a LIFE Group (basically it’s like a growing bible study group), and because my church has a vision to expand I am “technically” a staff member of said campus, and of course the ministry I serve in for the same church I know men (and women) who have encouraged me and allowed me to encourage them when things got tough. So this isn’t about groups, this is about what is being taught.

You know why this subject hurts? Because this is the generation that is not coming in the churches! And what’s the double kicker, even if new members come into the door, the majority of the population are young ladies; so it hurts me that my generation isn’t coming in the doors and it hurts me because my identity as a man is in crisis! And it goes back to the thesis of the article; churches, when it comes down to young adult ministries (and heck let’s throw in high school too because they too are in just much risk) are teaching a weak theology, presenting a “surfer dude” Jesus (or let’s even say a homeboy Jesus), and keep reminding us of purpose without a passionate drive. And you know what, I’ll even say it, just because you title your church-wide series “Real”, doesn’t mean the problem has been resolved!

People are aching and thirsty for the same Jesus that came down into our dark world 2,000 something years ago, and the same Jesus who in His 33 years and His 3 year ministry has healed lepers, fed a crowd of 5,000 people with only a loaf of bread and two small fish, has kicked tables and cracked a whip when corrupt religious officials were making a profit at His Father’s temple, and need I bring up the horrifying and humiliating death of the Crucifixion (it was so horrible that if you look into what Jesus went through during this, tell me again why do we continue to worship the “surfer dude” Jesus)? It was this same Jesus who also rose from the grave (both physically and spiritually) and this same Jesus who gave us some of the greatest people history had to offer. It was this same Jesus that turned an devoted enemy into one of His greatest servants and was beaten many many times because of it. Need I go on? People are hungry, aching, and thirsty for THIS Jesus, not the Jesus that is being allowed to teach in young adult ministries!

No, not the Jesus where the lights have been lowered and there’s good songs and multicolored lights of purple, pink, blue, red, and so on! Not the Jesus that’s on your clothes or trucker stop hats, or wristband, on a piece of jewelry, on your radio stations, or shelf of movies! No, people want to see the real Jesus; the hands and feet working and getting their hands in the dirt, healing the lepers, standing up against the injustice of this cruel world, in the homes where babies no longer have to grow up without fathers and seeing boys grow up into men, and most of all, see Peter’s confession come to reality that Jesus IS the Christ! That is something young adult ministries need to be preaching, especially when you talk about purpose!

It hurts me you know? It makes me angry deep down to my bones because this young adult ministry that I am now considering to leave not only optimized my desire to be used for the glory of the kingdom, but because this same ministry used to be on fire! We wanted to see Jesus to reign in our lives, but also in the lives of people around us! And it was because of this, I have lost friends left and right because they wanted a more exclusive group where saints were being taught, but not mobilizing or even welcoming “outsiders.” And I’m going to lose friends now because I am going to leave this ministry and because I’m tired of being a people pleaser; I want to be a Christ Pleaser, and that’s my confession on who Christ is. He’s the one I should please, and I didn’t get this from books, I got this from His word and much stronger teachings from books like “Jesus Was An Airborne Ranger,” “Mansfield’s Book of Mainly Men”, and Matthew 8 when Jesus encountered a centurion.

So, I know this blog has sort of felt more like a rant, but how can it not? How can anyone not be angry about how young adult ministries are now? Jesus would have been furious, I believe it deep in my bones! In terms of young adult ministries, it goes to three mission statements that are (and should be universal) to the church: Follow Jesus. Love People. Make Disciples. People are hurting, and it’s almost like we do all the physical things to get people into the door of our churches, and even young adult ministries, but maybe the problem isn’t just how the worship is conducted or the type of lighting one ministry has, but the very basic thing; the Christ and who He is! That’s what is wrong with millennial ministries, and so there should be anger.

Normally I would leave a list of relating verses to this topic, but I’m not going to do that this time. Instead, whoever reads this blog, I encourage you to start asking believers questions, and if you are believers who just happens to stumble upon this blog, I encourage you to ask questions to each other, and sharpen each other with the Word. And maybe, just maybe the Spirit will open the eyes of your heart to see the real image of who the Christ really is, and see actual victory take place in your ministries. Don’t talk about just being the hands and feet of Jesus, start living it. Jesus taught, but He also did.

One more note, what I will leave at the bottom is a list, but it’s a title of either books or movies. And from there, I know the Spirit will unravel things that is just waiting for you to dig up and absorb. God bless and until next time, and I hope you don’t mind a more personal blog, because there might be more of these.


  1. Jesus Was An Airborne Ranger
  2. Mansfield’s Book of Manly Men
  3. The Way of the Wild Heart
  4. Tender Warrior
  5. The Warrior’s Soul
  6. A Wanted Man
  7. The Wounded Warrior
  8. The Great Raid (Movie)
  9. Courageous (Movie….duh)


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